Individuals who have been in an occupation for some time are usually facing a challenge which is, advancing in their different careers.
Wanting the Best
The Summit
You may be fresh out of college or a junior staff at your establishment, however, the natural thing to do is to aim higher to get to the summit. Aiming higher is very healthy and impressive as reaching milestones at one point or the other in your life makes you tap yourself for achieving a great feat. The only obstacle faced by some individuals is that they do not know how to go about reaching the pedestal. More so, things may not always pan out as planned.
Lessons Learned
You will encounter hitches along the way but what is of utmost importance are the lessons learned along every step of the way. In all of these, there are some tips you should adopt to climb your way to success in your career. What are these tips you may ask?
Give your best to every task you undertake

Source: Pxhere
To climb up the ladder of your career, you should be willing to give your 100% to every task. These tasks include functions that others shy away from carrying out. Completing tasks they give you, will not only help your experience, but it will also boost your esteem.
Make a plan
Every action or activity you plan to undertake in life must have a plan mapped out. If you want to advance in your career, set out your short-term and long-term plans, be prepared to alter some plans over time.
Get educated
Get educated on your career field. Go for extra courses and training to broaden your horizon on things.
Networking will take you further in your career. Networking does not end when you land your dream job; it should continue as you plan to advance in your career.
Be a hard worker
Go the extra mile. Work long hours if you must. Volunteer for projects that are in line with your job. Get to work early and leave late. You should be the Mr. / Miss / Mrs. fix It. It will pay off sooner than later.
Dream Big
Do not limit yourself to the confines of your present position. Work towards achieving things that are perceived to be beyond your reach.
Dress the part

Source: Pxhere
Dress the part. If you see yourself in a top spot in your organization, dress how the individuals who currently hold the positions dress.
Familiarize with your environment.
Many employees plan to attain the highest levels of their careers, but they are unaware of the fact that they must do things correctly. How well do you know your organization’s values? Your boss’ rules? Always take it upon yourself to gain knowledge of the mission and vision of your organization.
It is important not to get carried away when advancing in your career especially after you gain credibility, always keep your eyes on the prize.