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Women-Owned Business

Grants for Women-Owned Small Businesses

Everyone gets excited about the illusion of starting a small business. Automatically seeing yourself raking in six figures and getting featured on the pages of mainstream business magazines till reality kicks in. Starting a small business is not a walk in the park. A... read more

The Influence of Women Entrepreneurs

Women are continually dealing with challenges from virtually all spheres of life. In business, women who aspire to climb up the ladder in a male-dominated world usually encounter obstacles. Women-Owned Businesses Obstacles The obstacles are there if a woman endeavors... read more

Balancing your Career and Family

Family and your career are like two glass balls that you must juggle else they will crash. Which is More Important School of Thought Many a time, debates have stemmed on which among the two is more important. A school of thought picked marriage another picked career.... read more

Women in Business Trends 2018

According to statistics released by the National Association of Women Business Owners in the United States, 31% of the businesses in the country are controlled by women. While this does not show gender parity, it is a welcome development to know that women are rising... read more

Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity in the workplace involves a lot of things and goes beyond having a workforce with people of diverse race, age, cultural background, religious affiliations. It even goes beyond maintaining an equal number of employees from both genders. Diversity is Success... read more


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