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Women-Owned Business

It’s National Women’s Equality Day. Enjoy!

It’s National Women’s Equality Day, a historic day in the fight for women’s equality. On this day in 1920, the US government passed the Nineteenth Amendment. The amendment prevented barring local and national governments from denying the right to vote in elections based on gender.

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Growth of Women-Owned Businesses

Women-owned businesses in history are a rarity.  Historically, if you’ve tracked statistics and history about business and notable people leading those businesses, your research would be filled with lots and lots of men. That’s because for decades... read more

Interview Attire for Women

As you prepare for an interview, it is critical to understand the significance of a first impression. From the second that you walk in, an employer forms an opinion of you based on how you carry yourself and how you are dressed. However, the appropriate interview... read more

Reasons that Women have more Success with Crowdfunding

The bane of starting a business primarily for women is inadequate capital. Women overcome so many hurdles in the business world to become very successful. Business Ecosystem Being Held Back The gender disparity in the business ecosystem makes it quite unfavorable for... read more

Climbing the Career Ladder

Individuals who have been in an occupation for some time are usually facing a challenge which is, advancing in their different careers. Wanting the Best The Summit You may be fresh out of college or a junior staff at your establishment, however, the natural thing to... read more


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