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The bane of starting a business primarily for women is inadequate capital. Women overcome so many hurdles in the business world to become very successful.

Business Ecosystem

Being Held Back

The gender disparity in the business ecosystem makes it quite unfavorable for women to survive or even thrive. For women who find themselves in technological fields, the gap is broader. A survey carried out among women with about a decade experience in the technology sector showed that about 67% of the participants had at one time in their careers felt limited, especially when it comes to getting some doors of opportunities opened for them; all thanks to their gender.

Sometimes, the work environment women find themselves is very harsh. Despite the gender inequality and women regulated to the background, women are beginning to feel necessary and useful. Crowdsourcing is the way go-to platform for women who want to expand their business, and it has proven to be very effective.

A woman leaping high in the air

Source: Pxhere

From Fear to Courage

Women who feared starting businesses due to a challenge or the other are no longer scared of bringing their dreams to fruition. Data received from two platforms to determine how useful it is to solicit for funds from the public by women entrepreneurs. Generally, women are more emotional and sensitive than men, these soft sides of women usually appeal to the conscience of the anonymous donors. Women are very good at raising money compared to men.

Opportunities Crowdfunding Brings

Crowdfunding creates opportunities for businesses or brands that require funding to launch or expand. Crowdfunding targets women entrepreneurs. Crowdfunding is very much preferred than the traditional method of funding because it does not come with stringent conditions.

Women have been proven to be very successful at crowdfunding because women are generally more social media savvy, they are better storytellers, good marketers and they are always able to convince their audience.

Women are very good at raising money from a variety of anonymous donors especially on social media. For entrepreneurs who are trying ways to raise funds for their projects, popular platforms such as Kickstarter and Kiva have been proven to perform very impressively.

The following reasons have been shown to be why women are more successful in crowdfunding;

Women share more stories from personal experiences

Older woman smiling.

Source: Pxhere

Women are known to be very passionate. After the survey was carried out, it showed that stories shared from personal experiences boosted the crowdfunding goal. Women tell stories that are relatable to their target audience to build trust and a secure network. The unique stories shared helps to promote their investments.

Women are naturally optimistic

Women usually give out positive vibes. If a woman pitches a piece of writing or shares a video clip on any social media platform, you can’t help but notice that she usually sounds excited, optimistic and happy. Women tend to make everyone involved have a sense of belonging by using words such as ‘we’ and not ‘I.’

These are some of the convincing factors that will make individuals feel convinced to donate to a cause.

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